Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This Session turned out to be something. I was moved by the stories that were going on, the fears that others had shared. I had to share my own. Aside from the experiment, I needed to step out of the comfort zone and see what it was like. I was enlightened that I was able to share my story and have others listen. I was relieved.

To hear the other stories and become motivated by the serious conversations burned a sense of motivation inside. I felt like I can do a whole lot more with the ideas that churning in my head. I could pour out these ideas and they would make sense. I was moved.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fearing the Experience

I felt that yesterday's sessions was something of a greater value that I had ever experience. Fear can be something rather a deep feeling to touch rather than to be scared about. Each moment when we encounter something that we don't understand or a situation that we would fail, we fear them. I have witness that there are some fears that I don't fear while there are others that I can sympathize for. The point is that we are not alone in our situations. We need to understand each other as a whole to face the greatest fear yet to come, our future.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I will conduct an experiment involving the fear of sound. The subject of this experiment is to see the reaction of what the target group hears versus the authenticity of the sound.

I had made three trials within the experiment. The first trial required that the sound was not even scary at all, but a mixture of various sounds to become scary to see the participants reactions. They were so scared by it, however they were trying to picture the sound which was interesting.

Second trial was mixed sounds of authentic recordings of a supernatural setting along with a mixed audio sound that was not meant to be scary. The reactions seemed to be disturbed by the sound. The images in their mind began to solidify one distinct image by audio sound of a radio.

The Third trial was the most disturbing of them all. It was a live recording of a chilling sound that claims to be sounds of a ghost of some sort screaming inside a basement around 3:00am. They said that it was scary because of the sound of disturbance and screaming.

After the sound trial was done, I explained to them what each of the trails were and I got a better reaction from them to what the sounds were, they were more intrigued and interested rather than alarmed which I did not anticipate.

I anticipate some outcome of natural stimuli of placing a picture to the sound when not being able to see anything. I wanted to see what it was like to respond to the unknown when just hearing sound. Turns out you need picture: sight to amp up the fear.